
29 December 2020

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If you’re seeking a once in a lifetime experience, look no further. Here, where ice takes on a myriad of forms and shades of white and blue, you’ll find an icy wilderness made up of some of the most beautiful and wild scenery you could imagine. Wildlife is abundant regardless of where you go in the Polar Region, including polar bears, walrus, penguins, seals, whales, arctic foxes, and musk ox.

From the Arctic to Antarctica, these destinations are teaming with untouched beauty that you won’t find anywhere else. Join the adventure of a lifetime!


Antarctic Peninsula

This is the closest landfall on the Antarctic continent for expedition cruises from Argentina and the most coveted spot of all. The frigid sea canals of the Antarctic Peninsula are framed by icebergs and dotted with ice flows and icebergs. The shores and waters brim with exceptional wildlife and, in protected coves, secure landing sites are plentiful. The peninsula is home to an extraordinary array of wildlife: five species of seal including the Weddell seal, the predatory Leopard seal, and the Crabeater seal, massive penguin rookeries, a significant number of whale species and a wide variety of seabirds, including albatross, petrels, shearwaters and skuas.


Falkland Islands

Surprisingly biodiverse, given the human existence and relatively recent war, the rock-strewn beaches and rugged cliffs of the islands are teeming with bird and marine life, untroubled by curious crowds. Here you can witness colonies of four types of penguins, dolphins, Cobb’s wren and the Falkland’s flightless steamer duck.  The Black Browed Albatross are the real wildlife gem of The Falklands, and the islands boast more than 80% of the world’s nesting population.

South Shetland Islands

A stunning mountainous archipelago stretching for more than 500 km of nutrient-rich waters, the South Shetland Islands are almost entirely ice-covered. They attract Antarctic marine wildlife with whales, penguins and seals converging to feast in summer. The string of islands run parallel to the north-west coast of the Antarctic peninsula. An interesting fact is that the archipelago doesn’t belong to or administered by any one nation, but currently covered by the Antarctic Treaty where all territorial claims are suspended. The islands are also of great historical value and home to international research stations.


South Georgia

Home to over 3 million fur seals, millions of different types of penguins, as well as an astonishing flurry of unique birds, South Georgia is considered Antarctica’s most rewarding wildlife crèche. Located just north of Antarctica, it is one of the most remote destinations on this planet. Almost 80% of South Georgia is covered in ice even during the warmest month, so the biggest challenge you’ll have here is dividing your attention between the striking Antarctic landscapes and the island’s abundant wildlife.


Combining a great variety of flora and fauna with stunning remote landscapes, a visit to Spitsbergen is a must for wilderness and wildlife enthusiasts. This northern Norwegian archipelago is renowned as the European polar bear hub and its main island, Svalbard, is about the best place in the world to see them.



A land of deep dramatic fjords and magnificent glaciers, the world’s largest island is a wonderful place to spot wildlife such as Polar bears, Humpback whales, Musk oxen, walruses, reindeer and Sea eagles. Small clusters of very interesting communities can be visited along both sides of the island’s coast.



The short Antarctic cruise season runs from late October to March, and even within this narrow window there are considerable variations in what you’ll see. These are the only months of the year when temperatures are known to reach above 0 degrees Celsius during the day on the Antarctic Peninsula, and through the east tends to be colder, it is still more tolerable at this time of the year.

Arctic expedition cruises set off in June and sail all the way until September, covering the period from the start of the northern summer up to the beginning of autumn. The best time to visit can be highly subjective because it’ll depend on where in the Arctic you wish to travel and which of the many unique experiences you wish to have

Early season: October – November

The start of the season in Antarctica is the most adventurous time to travel. The early season means colder temperatures, shorter days and pristine snowy landscapes. You’ll encounter truly breath-taking icebergs emerging from their frozen hibernation. Another advantage of visiting at the beginning of the season is lower fares. The days start to lengthen in November, and penguin chicks start to hatch. This is the best time to see elephant seals courting in South Georgia, and it’s the beginning of the mating season for penguins in South Georgia and the Falklands.

Peak season: December – January

December and January are the most popular months to visit Antarctica. The weather is warmer, the days are longer, and wildlife is active everywhere. It’s also the most expensive time to visit. Wildlife highlights include migrating whales passing through, seal pups on South Georgia beaches, and the courting season for seabirds, making this a good time for birding enthusiasts. In early January you can expect to see adorably fluffy grey penguin chicks. It’s also a good month for spotting seals and whales.

Late season: February – March

Towards the end of the season, you’ll have more chance of seeing whales, especially Minke and Humpback whales who migrate to these waters to feed. The receding ice also allows for further exploration into the Antarctic and penguin colonies are very active with adults feeding their chicks.


Early season: June

You’ll see the largest icebergs and pristine, snow-covered landscapes at the beginning of the cruising season. The sea ice will have melted sufficiently to allow the expedition cruises to start, although you will still be crunching through the pack ice. Your route will be somewhat limited on an early cruise, but you’ll also have great chances of spotting polar bears atop ice floes out in the open seas.

Peak season: July – August

The warmest and busiest months for a cruise, this time is considered the absolute best time for wildlife viewing in the Arctic and the height of the Spitsbergen travel season. Good climatic conditions and even 24 hours of daylight for several weeks means on-land explorations are at their most rewarding. However, polar bears will be much more difficult to spot out at sea due to the extensive ice melt, but birds, walrus, seals, whales will be most probably seen.

Late season: September

As days get shorter and colder, passengers on late-season cruises will have the unrivalled chance to see the aurora borealis as the nights appear.

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