
25 November 2020

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This magical country is the land of the Andes, the Amazon, and the ancient Incas. It is located on the West-coast of South America, it offers an unbelievable rich history, culture, and some astonishing biodiversity.


Peru offers a great variety of ecosystems; you can find deserts, snow-covered peaks of the Andes, rocky coasts with sea birds and sea lions, cloud forests, and actually, 60 % of its territory belongs to the Amazon basin.


On the cultural side, you can indulge in the country’s cuisine which is probably one of the best on the continent; you can visit historic cities like Arequipa, Lima and Cusco, and enjoy the beautiful landscape of the Andes and the lush, humid Amazon.


1,285,216 Sq Km

Local time

GMT -5


Harpy Eagle, Andean Condor, Andean Cock of the Rock, Black-tailed Trogon, Amazonian Motmot, Long-billed Starthroat, Buff-throated Saltator, Chesnut-fronted Macaw, Scarlet Macaws, Blue-headed Parrot, Hoatzin, Blue-and-yellow Macaw, Alpomado Falcon, Wren-like Rushbird, Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucan, Tyrian Metaltail


31 Million


Nueva Sol


Jaguar, Spectacled bear, Red fox, Tayra, Brown-faced Spider Monkey, Red Howler Monkey, Armadillo, Giant Otter, Tapir, Ocelot, Woolly Monkey,  Capuchin Monkey,  Agouti,    Emperor Tamarin, Night Monkey, Goeldi’s Monkey,  Sea Lion,  White Lipped Peccary,  Capybara,   Dusky Titi Monkey,  Kinkajou, Red Brocket Deer,  2 Toad Sloth,  Puma,


The capital of Peru. The city with its 9 million inhabitants lies on the Pacific Coast, and it is famous for its excellent cuisine, its beautiful old town with countless churches and the wild Pacific coast with some fabulous beaches. Its old town is a UNESCO Heritage Site since 1988.



Cusco is one of the most beautiful and most popular towns in Peru, and it belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage list since 1983.

It used to be the capital of the Inca Empire.  The city lays on an average altitude of 3400 metres. It is famous for its beautiful architecture which combines the ancient Inca styles in the foundation and the Spanish Colonial style. The travellers are recommended to discover its beautiful churches (Santo Domingo, La Compañía, Cusco Cathedral), its cobblestone streets and its colourful markets.

The fortress of Sacsayhuamán is an excellent start to discover the rich Inca history on the outskirts of the city.

Tambopata National Reserve

Probably one of the most known reserves of the country. The park lies along the Madre de Dios river and a great option to experience the lower Amazon of Peru. There are many different lodges, and the travellers can experience night hikes and excursions by foot and by boat. Tapirs, caimans, monkeys and hundreds of birds can be seen while you spend a couple of days in the area. If you are incredibly fortunate, you might spot a jaguar as well.


Andean Cloud Forest

An off the beaten path destination on the way from Cusco to Manu National Park. The Andean cloud forests are an excellent birding hotspot where you can find different hummingbirds, the Andean Cock of the Rock and many other species.

Machu Picchu

This major pre-Columbian town is located around 50 miles from Cusco, it lays hidden in the Andes Mountains, and it is also a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1983. It is also known as the “lost city of the Incas” as it was only discovered in the early 20th Century. There is still a lot of questions of the usage of the site, but it looks like it used to be a retreat of the royals.



Iquitos is one of the main cities of the Upper Amazon Basin of Peru. This port town is in northeastern Peru and is one of the biggest cities in the World which cannot be accessed by road.

It is a perfect place to embark on a cruise and explore the Amazon river or stay in a lovely lodge and experience the North of the Amazon basin.

The Sacred Valley

The fertile Urubamba Valley lies around 12 miles away from Cusco. It lays between Pisac and Ollantaytambo on an elevation between 3000m and 2000m. If someone is interested in the history and architecture of the Incas, this is the place to be. The most important archaeological sites in the area are the ruins of Pisac, the ruins of Ollantaytambo, Moray. The Salt mines of Maras or the Chinchero market (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays) are also a must in the region.


Isla Ballestas

A group of small islands near Paracas, they are often called “Peru’s Galapagos”. The islands are famous for their incredible amount of seabird and sea lion colonies. The islands can be visited as a day trip or on the way from Arequipa.

Manu National Park

A lesser-known part of the Amazon (compared to Iquitos and Tambopata), but it is another biodiversity hotspot in Peru. A perfect place to get away from the crowds and experience the Amazon rainforest and its inhabitants. The National Park protects over 2 million hectares of forest, which makes it one of the biggest parks in South America. The park is home to 13 primates and some majestic animals like the jaguar.


Colca Canyon

Colca is one of the World’s deepest Canyon which can be found approximately a 3-hour drive away from Arequipa. It is an excellent hiking destination and a great place to observe Andean Condors.


Lake Titikaka

The lake lays between Peru and Bolivia, and it is called the highest navigable lake (3800m) in the World. It is home to more than 500 aquatic species. The travellers can experience the slightly touristy Uros floating islands and explore Suasi Island.



Enjoy a wildlife photography adventure in the Peruvian Amazon



Explore the paradise of the Andean cloud forest



Discover the incredible diversity of hummingbirds, owls and antpittas in the North of Peru.

There are three main geological regions which have to be separated climate-wise, the Coast, the Sierra (the high mountains of the Andes) and Amazonia.

The Coast between the Ecuadorian border and North Chile is dry as the Andes blocks most of the rain coming from the Amazon. This effect creates a desert-like environment with small amount of rainfalls.

In the Sierra, temperatures are determined mainly by the altitude. The wet season is between December and April, with the most rainfall from December till March. The colder, but the dry season starts in May and ends at the end of October.

Amazonia covers 60% of Peru and travellers can except precipitation throughout the year. Temperatures are not changing drastically during the year, but it can dop at night. The dry season is considered between May and October, while the wet season is between November and April.


November to April

The wet season in Peru. Temperatures are going to be somewhat higher than during the winter, but heavy precipitation can be expected, especially in the Sierra and in Amazonia.


May to October

The dry season: The “winter” months of the Southern Hemisphere usually brings drier air and less rain, a perfect time to explore the country if you want to avoid the heavy rains. The temperatures, in general, will be lower, but the climate is drier.

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